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Your search for Patterson Brothers returned 10 entries.

Table of Contents

Title Page
Author's Preface
1 The Road through Richmond Hill
2 First Peoples on the Land
3 The European Settlers Arrive
4 From Miles' Hill to Richmond Hill: The Birth of a Community
5 Tories and Reformers
6 Stagecoach Lines and Railway Tracks
7 The Neighbours at Mid-Century
8 Fire Brigades and Fence Viewers
9 Picture Post Card Village of the 1880s and 1890s
10 Rails through Richmond Hill
11 The Flowering of Richmond Hill
12 The Village Transformed
Table of Illustrations
Patterson Brothers
1   accompany this manufacturing enterprise, Patterson Brothers established their own "company town." The
2   Patterson Brothers, the move only delayed the inevitable at a time of
3   departure of the Patterson works and the decline of the Patterson community
4   Major Mackenzie Drive. The "firm" was Patterson Brothers, and its factory was located along the
5   Mr. Mahoney worked at the Patterson implement factory for $1.50 a day. There Patterson
6   were generally far from satisfactory, the Patterson works were exemplary - well ventilated, neat, clean,
7   1884 - a time when prospects appeared rosy. Company output for the year was expected to be 400
8   1885, however, Patterson's found itself in difficulties. The firm wanted
9   endorsed their council's $35,000 bonus, and Patterson's moved "lock, stock and implements" to
10   - too little, too late to save the Patterson farm implement business from leaving the district in 1886, but with great

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