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Your search for Richmond Hill High School returned 25 entries.

Early Days in Richmond Hill

Richmond Hill Photo Images

Historic Cemeteries of South York Region

Richmond Hill High School
1  Early Days in Richmond Hill: and waterworks system, its modern high school and Jail Farm, its revamped fire
2  Richmond Hill Photo Images: School of 1924, the core of the current high school building on Wright Street.
3  Richmond Hill Photo Images: of Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night," Richmond Hill High School, 1925.
4  Richmond Hill Photo Images: Young athletes at Richmond Hill High School in the 1920s.
5  Richmond Hill Photo Images: Richmond Hill High School in its 1897 building at Yonge and Wright
6  Richmond Hill Photo Images: Richmond Hill High School built in 1897 at the corner of Yonge and
7  Richmond Hill Photo Images: Richmond Hill High School built in 1897 at the corner of Yonge and
8  Richmond Hill Photo Images: Richmond Hill High School class, Form 1B, in 1925.
9  Richmond Hill Photo Images: of Wright St. The 1897 Richmond Hill High School is on the left.
10  Early Days in Richmond Hill: the municipal offices once again become Richmond Hill High School. To our right, the old radial railway station
11  Early Days in Richmond Hill: cars - teenagers coming into town to attend high school, salesmen on their regular rounds, young couples
12  Early Days in Richmond Hill: 25 Richmond Hill (Lorne Avenue) Stop 26 Richmond Hill High School (Wright Street) Stop 27 Canadian
13  Early Days in Richmond Hill: Richmond Hill High School
14  Early Days in Richmond Hill: (now the Langstaff Building). Richmond Hill High School, later incorporated into the town hall, stood at
15  Early Days in Richmond Hill: Many dropped out after a year or two of high school and joined the labour force; others diligently
16  Early Days in Richmond Hill: Richmond Hill High School in the 1920s. Richmond Hill High School at the southwest corner of Yonge and Wright
17  Early Days in Richmond Hill: School of 1924, the core of the current high school building on Wright Street. The new
18  Early Days in Richmond Hill: waterworks system, and the modern high school were all very impressive but they were expensive
19  Early Days in Richmond Hill: The public school, the high school, and the several churches presented musical
20  Early Days in Richmond Hill: Hill "Grammar" School became Richmond Hill "High" School).
21  Early Days in Richmond Hill: Post Office. Original plans for a new high school structure were apparently quite ambitious - a
22  Early Days in Richmond Hill: the responsibility for financing the new high school totally on the village. After public meetings,
23  Early Days in Richmond Hill: high school's heavy debt probably discouraged council from
24  Early Days in Richmond Hill: Richmond Hill High School in its 1897 building at Yonge and Wright
25  Early Days in Richmond Hill: silently run up at half-mast on the high school and public school buildings, and a

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