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  Devine (2)

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West face

In memory of
Anthony Devine
who died
Jan. 12, 1862;
Æ 54 y'rs, 9 mo's
& 1 day
A loved one is gone from our arms
On earth we will meet him no more
She has gone to her home in Heaven
And all her afflictions are o'er

East face

In memory of
wife of
Anthony Devine
who died
Jan. 19, 1876;
Æ 67 y'rs 10 mo's
& 19 da's
Jesus has called the father home
His flesh lies mouldering in the ground
God grant his offspring may be blest
And meet him in eternal rest.

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This electronic finding aid to the cemeteries serving the population of Richmond Hill is provided courtesy of the Richmond Hill Public Library.