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Surnames on this stone
  Foote (5)
  Hooper (1)

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North face

In memory of
Richard Foote
died Feb. 8, 1859.
aged 80 years.
a native of Dorsetshire,
Harriet Foote
died Oct. 9, 1872,
aged 39 years.
There is rest in Heaven
William Foote
died June 20, 1894.
aged 45 years

East face

memory of
Abraham Foote
died Jan. 20, 1887.
aged 80 years.
a native of Dorsetshire
also Catherine Hooper
wife of the above
died Dec. 31, 1857,
aged 53 years.
a native of Hasalbury Bryon
A fierce disease which gave the fatal blow
The stroke was certain though the effect was slow
But when with pain Christ found we were oppressed
He pitied our sighs and finally gave us rest


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This electronic finding aid to the cemeteries serving the population of Richmond Hill is provided courtesy of the Richmond Hill Public Library.