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Surnames on this stone

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East face

wife of Alexander Brown
died Jan 13, 1882
Æ 62 y'rs. 9 mo.

Alexander Brown
died Feb. 9, 1894
Æ 80 y'rs

South face

Mary E. Brown
died Sep. 12, 1863
Æ 4 mo.

Elizabeth Brown
wife of Henry McCauley
died Feb. 28, 1893
Æ 38 y's. 7 mo.

John Brown
born May 4, 1844
died Dec 29th 1927
son of the late
Alexander Brown.


West face

Martha Brown
wife of
Joseph Coxworth
died Oct. 18, 1863
Æ 23 y's. 3 mo.

Sarah A. Brown
wife of Thomas Cross
died Sep. 24, 1875
Æ 26 y's. 1 mo.

Nancy Brown
died July 9, 1881
Æ 22 y's. 3 mo.

J. Cassidy

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This electronic finding aid to the cemeteries serving the population of Richmond Hill is provided courtesy of the Richmond Hill Public Library.