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Surnames on this stone
  Clifford (4)
  McGlashan (1)

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East face

son of
Wm. Clifford
died April 22nd 1871
in is 63rd year
native of Yorkshire, Eng.
Ellison McGlashan
wife of the above
died Feb. 12th 1892
in her 85th year
Why do we mourn departed friends
Or shake at death's alarms
Tis but the voice that Jesus sends
To call them to his arms.


South face

Sara Ann
daughter of
James & Ellison
died Sep.28th 1872
in her 25th year
Be ye also ready for in
such an hour as ye think
not the son of man cometh

North face

Wm. Clifford
Sep. 25th 1856
in his 91st year
Thy will be done

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This electronic finding aid to the cemeteries serving the population of Richmond Hill is provided courtesy of the Richmond Hill Public Library.