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Surnames on this stone
  Bell (5)
  Campbell (1)
  Miller (2)
  Spofford (2)
  Stout (2)

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West face


James Bell
died Sept. 28, 1891,
in his 56th year.
Ann Campbell
wife of the above
died Aug. 9, 1908,
in her 76th year.
Sarah Hannah Spofford
Aug. 16, 1858 -- July 28, 1925


East face


James Fletcher Bell
Feb. 6, 1870 -- Aug. 20, 1941
Edwin Stephen Washington Bell
Aug. 26, 1872 -- Dec. 18, 1943
Almeda Sarah Spofford
July 25, 1885 -- July 3, 1961
wife of George Miller
May 27, 1881 -- Oct. 29, 1966

Albert Stout
born 1877 -- Sept. 27, 1963
beloved husband of
Esther Helena Bell
Feb. 28, 1868 -- Apr. 8, 1965

C & L Newmarket

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This electronic finding aid to the cemeteries serving the population of Richmond Hill is provided courtesy of the Richmond Hill Public Library.